for adults
If you'd like to find out more about any of these activities, please email, or the email address given below.

Tuesdays 10-11:30am, Bethel Main Hall
Drinks and home-made cakes. Drop in on your own or with friends. Friendly, relaxed atmosphere, toys provided for young children. Cash donations taken for food & drinks, used to support various charities.
Coffee Shop

Community Groups
Alternate Wednesdays 8pm, various homes
Small groups held in homes, where you can get to know others in the church family, and support each other. Time to study the Bible and pray, as well as having fun and relaxing together.

Second Wednesdays 8pm, on Zoom
Join in (usually on Zoom, occasionally in person) to seek God's presence and help in prayer.
We also have regular prayer breakfasts, and a Week of Prayer in January to start the year focused on God.
Prayer Together

Wednesdays fortnightly, 9:15am
Learn with others how to apply God's word to real-life situations, and ask your faith-related questions.
We meet at church and in homes.
This group is not meeting currently.
Bible Basics

Ladies Bible Study
Mondays fortnightly 2pm, Bethel Lounge
Time during the day for women to study the Bible and pray together. Join us to be encouraged and deepen your faith in Jesus.

Devotional Drop-in
Tuesdays 10:10am & Thursdays 9:20am
Do you struggle to make time and space for God?
Join this guided quiet time, in person and on Zoom,
for Biblical reflection and prayer.
For more info contact

Men's events
Various times & places, usually with food
Breakfasts, curries, prayer get-togethers... lots of opportunities to get to know and support each other, pray together, and have some fun along the way.
For more info contact

Ladies' Events
Various times, Main Hall, often with food
Craft events, afternoon teas and various other activities. Times to relax together, and great for inviting friends along. For more info contact

Social events
Various times & places, often with food
Breakfasts, bring-and-share lunches and various other get-togethers happen regularly. A great way to get to know others in the church family.

Fellowship Weekend Away
Every year in the summer
The best way to find and deepen friendships at Bethel. Each year we alternate between a weekend away and an away day.